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Invisalign – Wilmington, IL

Discreet Orthodontic Treatment for Teens & Adults

Many patients are hesitant to begin orthodontic treatment because they don’t want to commit to having metal brackets and wires in their mouths for a year or more. If this is what has been holding you back from straightening your smile, you’ll be happy to know that we offer a discreet and more comfortable alternative made just for you. Invisalign from our Wilmington, IL dentist is popular among teens and adults because they’re able to preserve the appearance of their smile while undergoing treatment.

Why Choose Grand Dental - Wilmington for Invisalign?

What is Invisalign® Treatment?

Patient placing her Invisalign tray

Invisalign clear aligners are created from a digital scan of the patient’s teeth. Approximately every one to two weeks you will change out the aligners allowing for your teeth to subtly shift into place without the need for braces. Invisalign custom trays can easily be removed, allowing you to eat and drink whatever you please; along with being able to brush and floss without working around brackets.

How does the Invisalign system work?

Hand holding an Invisalign tray

Your custom trays will be created using a BPA-free plastic. Each set of trays will gently shift your teeth a little bit at a time. For the best results, we encourage our patients to wear their aligner trays for a minimum of 22 hours each day.

What happens during appointments?

Dentist showing dental patient an Invisalign tray and smile model

During your first appointment, our highly trained staffed will take photos, x-rays, and conduct a thorough dental exam. We will use this information to create a 3D model of your teeth and create your custom treatment plan. This treatment plan will show how your teeth will adjust over time, allowing you to see the projected result before beginning treatment. This plan will determine the frequency of visits, how often you need to switch aligner trays, and how long your treatment will last. At your next appointment, we will give you the custom-made aligner trays and review the proper way to care for them. Most patients only need to see us every other month to monitor tooth movement to ensure they are on track. Most treatments last nine to twenty-four months.

Am I a candidate for Invisalign treatment?

Woman considering Invisalign orthodontic treatment

Both adults and teens are candidates for Invisalign treatment, and our teen aligners have a blue compliance indicator, so parents are assured they are being worn for the recommended hours. You will never feel self-conscious about your smile again while straightening your teeth. Even the most complicated cases can now be done with Invisalign clear aligners. Our Doctors have undergone additional training to be able to handle difficult cases. We are committed to achieving the results you are seeking while matching your lifestyle.

What is Invisalign treatment for Teens?

Teen girl holding an Invisalign Teen aligner tray

Invisalign Teen is a clear aligner system providing a nearly invisible way of straightening teeth using clear, removable aligners that are custom-made specifically for your teen’s teeth. These aligners replace the wires, brackets, and bands that traditional braces use.

How does the Invisalign system work?

Invisaling teen clear braces in carrying case

Invisalign Teen is every bit as effective as traditional braces for most common teeth-straightening cases, but only when worn the recommended 22 hours a day, every day. Many parents worry that compliance will be an issue, but a clinical study showed that teens wear their aligners more responsibly than most adults! If you’re still not convinced, we’ve got you covered: each Invisalign Teen aligner has a blue indicator that will fade over time when used as directed. This allows both doctors and parents to track the patient’s progress and compliance.

What happens during appointments?

During your first appointment, our highly trained staffed will take photos, x-rays and conduct a thorough dental exam. We will use this information to create a 3D model of your teeth and create your custom treatment plan. This treatment plan will show how your teeth will adjust over time, allowing you to see the projected result before beginning treatment. This plan will also determine how often we will see you in our dental office, how often you need to switch aligner trays, and how long your treatment will last. At your next appointment, we will give you the custom-made aligner trays and review the proper way to care for them. Most patients only need to see us every other month to monitor your teeth and ensure they are tracking; and most treatments last nine to twenty-four months.

Is my child a candidate for Invisalign Teen?

Young woman showing off smile after Invisalign teen treatment

Invisalign Teen can successfully treat most mild to moderate cases of underbite, overbite, overcrowding, and gaps between the teeth. Our teen aligners have a blue compliance indicator, so parents are assured they are being worn for the recommended hours. Even the most complicated cases can now be done with Invisalign Teen. Our Doctors have undergone additional training to be able to handle difficult cases with Invisalign to provide you options that were not possible before. We are committed to achieving the results you are seeking that fits your lifestyle!

Understanding the Cost of Invisalign

The cost of Invisalign in Wilmington

The cost of Invisalign in Wilmington is not the same for every patient. Each treatment plan is customized according to the needs of the individual, which means the number of aligners, the severity of the dental problem, and the duration of treatment are all factored into the overall cost of care. At Grand Dental – Wilmington, our team thoroughly explains the process and expected price before allowing our administrative experts to discuss available payment options.

Factors that Affect the Cost of Invisalign

Invisalign aligner in Wilmington

When determining the estimated cost, an Invisalign dentist will factor in the following:

  • The severity of a person’s dental issue (i.e., overcrowding, gapped teeth, bite misalignment)
  • The number of aligners that are required to receive desired results
  • The duration of treatment, as some issues take longer to address than others (i.e., overbite versus a minor gap)

Invisalign vs. Smile Direct Club™: Which Costs More?

Invisalign aligners in Wilmington

The appeal of do-it-yourself (DIY) clear aligner systems is becoming increasingly popular. However, many potential issues can arise should an individual choose this method. Solutions like Smile Direct Club are cheaper than Invisalign in Wilmington, but the lack of oversight can create additional oral health problems for a patient.

At our dental office, we recommend individuals consider the following before choosing a DIY solution:

  • Patients must take their own impressions at home. This can be problematic if it is not done correctly, as the aligners may not fit properly.
  • There is no orthodontist to oversee treatment face-to-face. Instead, individuals are expected to engage in virtual appointments and report their progress.
  • Invisalign may not be the right option for certain individuals. Moving forward can do more damage to teeth.
  • Should problems occur, a patient will need to find a local orthodontist or dentist to assist.

With Invisalign, patients can feel more comfortable and confident pursuing treatment that is safe and effective. A member of the Grand Dental – Wilmington team is available to oversee the duration of treatment, ensuring optimal results.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Invisalign?

Dental insurance paperwork in Wilmington

Some dental insurance policies do include orthodontic coverage, but others do not. It is up to the individual to review the plan and determine if there are stipulations or exclusions. Many carriers offer coverage but only for individuals under the age of 19, or they will only cover traditional braces. Patients who are unsure how to attain this information may ask a member of our team for help. Our administrative staff can answer questions and address concerns when it comes to the financial side of dentistry.

Options for Making Invisalign Affordable

Calculator and invoice in Wilmington

At Grand Dental – Wilmington, we also offer additional payment options for uninsured patients. Our Grand Advantage Plan requires individuals to pay a single yearly fee to receive access to basic preventive care as well as a 20% discount on dental treatments completed within the first year of enrollment.

We also provide flexible financing through CareCredit, which allows individuals to break up the cost of Invisalign treatment into monthly installments. This is beneficial for patients who are on a budget.

Invisalign FAQs

Patient and dentist discussing Invisalign in Wilmington

Unlike traditional metal braces that are often uncomfortable to wear and post a problem when attempting to eat certain foods, Invisalign in Wilmington offers patients a viable alternative. Although popular among all age groups, there are still many questions that remain. Knowing how to care for aligners, what to do if one is lost, and if Invisalign is possible after wearing regular braces as a teenager are all questions we are here to provide the answers to. Review the information below and contact us to learn more about clear aligners.

Does Wearing Invisalign Aligners Hurt?

When a patient first receives their clear aligners, they can expect some slight discomfort. The mouth must adjust to the newness of the oral appliance, and the teeth will begin to shift. Within a few days, the pain should dissipate and leave the individual feeling more comfortable and confident. This process, however, reoccurs when switching out existing trays with a new set in the series. One clear advantage is that you can avoid mandatory wire tightening that often comes with traditional metal braces.

Are Invisalign Results Permanent?

The result of a person’s Invisalign treatment can be permanent if a customized retainer is worn. In the weeks, the months, and the years following Invisalign, our cosmetic dentist in Wilmington recommends wearing a customized retainer to keep teeth in their new, permanent location. A person’s teeth are known to shift, especially after orthodontic treatment, so if an individual wants to avoid undoing the months of work to keep teeth straight, wearing a retainer according to the instructions of our team is essential.

What Should I Do If I Lose My Invisalign Trays?

When first meeting with our dental team at Grand Dental – Wilmington, we will explain the importance of purchasing a protective case for your aligners. This will help in preventing bad oral bacteria from landing on the trays as well as accidentally throwing the clear aligners away when tucking them into a napkin.

Should one or both aligners become damaged or lost, our team recommends keeping the last set of aligners and wearing them until we can determine if moving forward in treatment is necessary or if new aligners need to be created.

Can I Be Treated with Invisalign If I’ve Worn Braces in the Past?

There is a possibility that patients may be able to wear Invisalign even if they wore regular braces in the past. It depends on the severity of the problem (i.e., overcrowding, gapped teeth, misaligned bites, or crooked teeth). If after a thorough evaluation using advanced dental technology we find there is a way to use clear aligners to realign a person’s teeth, we will draft a treatment plan that lends effective and long-lasting results.

Braces & Invisalign Videos

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Invisalign First Clear Aligners
for Kids

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Health Effects
of Misaligned Teeth

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How Invisalign
Really Works

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Invisalign Teen
What It Is, Why It's Better

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