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Grand Dental - Wilmington Blog

When Can I Brighten My Straighter Smile After Braces?

May 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandwilmington @ 8:41 pm
before and after braces

Completing orthodontic treatment is a joyous occasion for many patients. Having braces come off to reveal a straighter set of teeth can generate greater confidence in one’s appearance. While it’s natural to feel the need to smile everywhere you go now that your mouth is free of metal, you may notice that your teeth appear less vibrant. You want a brighter smile but how long will you need to wait to undergo teeth whitening? Find out from a cosmetic dentist when you should consider this type of treatment so that your straighter teeth can look their best.


The Potential Dangers of Excessive Whitening with Store-Bought Products

April 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandwilmington @ 5:03 pm
woman using a whitening pen to brighten her smile

When looking for a way to brighten one’s smile, the easiest option is to purchase one of the many store-bought teeth whitening products at a local drugstore. Consisting of one-size-fits-all trays, strips, and gels, they offer a do-it-yourself approach that is less expensive – an attractive enticement for anyone on a budget. But what many do not realize is the possible dangers that exist with excessive whitening, which can be easy to do with store-bought solutions. Read on to learn about the various risks and why seeing a cosmetic dentist for treatment is best.


Blowing the Whistle on Myths Associated with Cosmetic Dentistry

March 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandwilmington @ 5:26 pm
woman preparing to receive cosmetic dentistry

In today’s society, it can be hard to discern fact from fiction. With so many people scouring the internet for the truth about various topics, it is far too easy to stumble upon falsehoods and opinions that disguise themselves as reality. Since cosmetic dentistry is becoming increasingly popular, it’s no surprise that the myths associated with treatment are abundant. A local expert is here to dispel three of the most common ones so that patients can feel more confident and comfortable receiving care to improve their smile.


Keeping Time: How Long Does Dental Implant Surgery Usually Take?

January 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandwilmington @ 10:45 pm
dental implant surgery

Dental implant placement requires patience. The dentist must pay close attention to where each post will be positioned as well as how far down it must go into the jawbone. The process takes time – a component many patients frequently ask about during pre-operation discussions. With the most common question being “How long will dental implant surgery take,” it’s become apparent that further explanation is required. Keep reading to learn what you can expect when receiving dental implants and how much time you can expect to be off from work.


Seeing the Signs: How to Know When a Dental Implant is Failing

December 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandwilmington @ 3:59 pm
older woman at dentist’s office

Dental implants are known to have a high success rate of around 95% upon initial placement. This means that it is highly unlikely that you will experience complications once your new teeth are in place. However, should a loose or infected implant develop, you need to know when to seek help. Keep reading to find out what signs to look for that indicate dental implant failure.


Embrace Old Age: How Dental Implants Can Help You Live Longer

October 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandwilmington @ 3:45 am
an older woman at the dentist’s office after receiving dental implants

Tooth loss, no matter how mild or severe, can take its toll when left alone for too long. The inability to live life to the fullest because of the difficulty that eating certain foods, speaking freely, and feeling confident causes leads to a decline in physical, mental, and emotional well-being. But what if there was a solution that not only restored smiles from roots to crowns but also helped patients live longer? Keep reading to discover more about dental implants and whether they can help to extend your life.


3 Reasons Dental Implants Are the Best Form of Tooth Replacement

August 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandwilmington @ 10:25 pm
older woman with dental implants

Dental implants are viewed as the gold standard for tooth replacement. Their many unique benefits cause them to stand out high above all other forms of restorative treatment, including dental bridges and traditional dentures. But is something better on the horizon? To help you better understand why dental implants are the best, a dentist is here to share 3 reasons have the superiority they do in the world of dentistry.


Can My Teen Receive Cosmetic Dentistry?

July 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandwilmington @ 7:09 pm
teenage girl

Adults are not the only ones who deal with tooth imperfections. When stains and chips form on younger smiles, it can be equally embarrassing for teenagers, and their perception of how others view them is often heightened. If you have an adolescent who is unhappy with the look of their smile, you may wonder, “Is my teen too young for cosmetic dentistry?” To answer this question, a dentist shares which treatment options are suitable and which ones should be avoided.


What Can I Eat With Veneers?

June 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandwilmington @ 4:34 pm
woman with veneers

Enhancing your smile with veneers can be an ideal situation when it comes to hiding imperfections, but these small sheaths do require regular maintenance to remain in place for up to a decade. Ensuring they do not suffer damage is imperative, as even a small chip or fracture can be enough to create issues throughout the rest of your mouth. As part of the maintenance process, you’ll need to know the answer to the question, “Will my diet change with veneers?” Read on to find out.


Why Does Tooth Enamel Need to Be Removed for Veneers?

May 18, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandwilmington @ 5:40 pm
patient preparing for veneers

Hiding smile imperfections can be accomplished in various ways but if veneers are something you are considering, you should know about the initial steps that are required. To find out what you can expect, read the following article to find out how much tooth enamel is removed for veneers.

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